Pro Public implemented the Community Mediation Program from 2003 to 2015 in 35 locations within Dhanusha and Sarlahi, with ongoing support from The Asia Foundation. In Morang district, located in the eastern region of Nepal, the program was carried out from 2009 to 2010, financially supported by the United States Agency for International Development/Nepal Citizen Partnership Project (USAID/NGCPP). Furthermore, Pro Public extended the program to an additional 16 communities in Dhanusha and Sarlahi from early 2016 to the end of 2018, with financial backing from the Governance Facility.
The main objective of the project was to establish a pool of mediators with adequate knowledge and skills in the mediation process, enabling them to resolve disputes within their communities quickly and inexpensively. This effort aimed to reduce the burden on the courts and enhance access to justice for women and marginalized communities.
Major outcomes of the project include:
- Training over 2,500 mediators across about 80 Local Government Units (LGUs) in Nepal.
- Establishing around 70 community mediation centers and settling 10,000 local disputes.
- Developing a resource pool of 15 certified mediation trainers.
- Training 300 mediators in multi-stakeholder mediation.
- Promoting mediation through social marketing efforts, including radio, posters, leaflets, hoarding boards, wall paintings, and street dramas in 60 LGUs.
- Facilitating training in about 70 LGUs for the Judicial Committee as a training provider under the Mediation Council Nepal.
- Establishing an endowment fund of around 12 million rupees to ensure the sustainability of mediation efforts.
- Contributing to the establishment of the “Judicial Committee” provision in municipalities and rural municipalities through Article 217 of the Constitution of Nepal.
- Awarding 20 best mediators.
- Forming and convening 60 Advisory Committees, involving more than 1,800 members from various walks of life.
- Preparing and publishing a Training Manual in cooperation with the Access to Justice (A2J) program of UNDP.